How to Get a Better sleep
Sleep. It's one of the best things for our moods, skin and wellbeing - but sadly for many of us it's hard to come by and I think most of us would say we could do with a few more zzz's each night.
With the last year being exceptionally stressful, our beauty sleep has been thrown off track - and we all know how important a goodnights rest is!
There are numerous factors why we struggle to relax at night - worry, stress, a duvet thief maybe? Or even a snoring partner - all of these can be causing our grumpy morning moods.
When you've had a stressful day at work or you're feeling a bit anxious, sleep very often does not come as easily as one would hope. But not to worry ladies and gents because we have some helpful tips on how to get a good quality rest.
Here are our helpful tips on how to get a quality goodnights rest.
Good Sleep Routine
A good sleep routine could be the answers to all our sleepless nights prayers. Many of us have a routine for everything - morning routine, gym routine but a sleep routine is often unheard of. Try getting yourself into a new nighttime rhythm. Tweaking your evening habits and creating a sustainable bedtime routine will help make your sleep a little bit more... regular.
Practise mindfulness and meditation
The lives we lead are stressful, for many of us this is completely unavoidable. However, learning to manage our stress levels are key to our nighttime routine. Mindfulness and meditation can directly affect our stress and anxiety levels and in turn can encourage for a better quality sleep. Rachel suggests a simple, yet effective breathing technique that can help calm us down when we are having a bit of a moment. The 4-7-8 technique. Breathing in for a count of 4, holding for a count of 7 and breathing out for a count of 8. Repeat this 3 – 4 times and you will feel so much better.
Time to Unplug
We've all been there, struggling to sleep and ending up doom scrolling Facebook for hours on end. We suggests making the bedroom a technology free zone - BOJ ladies, it's time to put the phone down!
Consistency is Key
It's true when they say consistency is key. Sticking to these helpful tips will help us catch up on those much needed zzz's. Stick to your routine wherever possible and all will be well in the bedroom...
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